Friday, March 13th at 5:30 pm  (This date turned out to be very bad luck!  Canceled due to COVID!)  After several interim attempts, this even was  rescheduled to June 26, 2020 (wait, isn't 13x 2 = 26) via Zoom.  On June 26,  we experienced a Horrible Storm and Intermittent Loss of Internet Connectivity.   BUT - We got through it!
FINAL UPDATE:  We gave away the $5,000 in prize money.   Congrats to the Winners!   Thank you to Terry Dunning who weathered his first ever virtual live auction!  We raised over $10,000 to be used for scholarships and other community charitable projects
The Highly Coveted Past President's Award:   Steven Maske
Rookie Rotarian of the Year:                             Kyla Brittain
Community Service Award:                               Heather Montenegro
Rotarian of the Year:                                         Dave Considine
We REALLY appreciate your support that this time as we work to support the community during this stay-at-home situation.  We are all in this together!  You can donate using the links here on the home page.  